Alternative Tourist Guide to Odense (approaches to a city)

This project was part of the EXIT 04 from the Academy of Fine Arts, Funen-exhibition, where a floorless member graduated that year. The group was invited to shape his contribution and together we reclaimed some of the less trodden and dodgy streets of Odense, birth town of Hans Christian Andersen, with artistic propositions. Texts along the route commented in some way to the nature of living or the surrounding areas, and when added together and combined with the text in the actual exhibition space formed a larger narrative.

After having covered the old neighborhoods of prostitutes, drug users, hoodlums and said fairy tale writer with marks we built a wall inside Brandts klædefabrik (the exhibition space) which represented a highly stylized city map of Odense. Little museum logos were used to mark the spots where interventions had been carried out, so visitors could make use of the map as a guide to a visual art tour through Odense. The use of museum logos was intended to unsettle the boundaries between an ‘inside’ and an ‘outside’, the white cube and the streets, by signaling that part of the content for contemplation was placed along the route and thus outside the artistic sphere of comfort and interpretation.