Fair Play

This show marked the end of Fair Play's cultural exchange program, which had brought together youth from around Europe, www.thefairplay.com We got invited by Danish Basketball player Martin Hermansen to curate the event at Raahuset and we invited Rodeo, Clean2, Antiwack, Locals Gang, ZAP TV, One Love, Remix The World and Straight Up to fill out the three storey house with us.

We chose the theme “mobility” as the red line through the event and made a creative “ghettogether”, which basically was a total redecoration of the interior of the house, created in a day with more or less one room for each of the invited artists. The showoff also lasted just one day, August 7th, 2005, after which the whole house was painted white again.

In the end it became a mix of video, sound, installation, text and graphic elements, where our room primarily focused on the precarity in urban living conditions, the social web we are all tangled up in and the seeming impossibility of positive radical social change presented in a poetic way that was open for different interpretations.

We also screened a lot of indie films, documentaries, videos and animations during the exhibition.