
This exhibition took place during the summer of 2005 at Raahuset, an old industrial part of Vesterbro, Copenhagen. Several artists had been invited to collaborate transforming the whole house into one big installation.

Our contribution was a 1 square meter sticker depicting a computer modeled elevator shaft stuck to the floor, with the text: ‘The faceless dance through empty rooms touching the walls with their dirty hands; their shadows fall like flames behind our eyelids. Chalk lines on concrete blur, stolen fingerprints fall out of sight a moment before becoming fully visible. Will the scars remain when the rest has forgotten its importance?’ centered in it. Above it hung several large 3D letters from the alphabet formed in software and constructed from found cardboard and some gaffer tape.

The shaft made for the exhibit created a space within the exhibiting space itself where all other cultures, practices and peoples could come and go. It is also a tongue in cheek reference to floorless itself; a pastiche on the self made name dropping of hip artists in every creative practice. The use of floor and air space is an effort to democratize art by grounding it as a basis for living, the very things we have our feet on in everyday life, showing that the way of the revolution of mentality is through art and creative expression (plus a lot of foot work). Anyway, turns out the guy who printed the massive sticker for us forgot to tell us that it didn’t take well to liquids, so most of the print rubbed off during the period of the exhibition, turning it into a kind of auto-destructive work of art.

We also screened a lot of indie films, documentaries, videos and animations during the exhibition.